Christian Education
Adult Education
Sunday School for adults meets in the church library prior to worship service on Sunday morning at 9:00 AM during Advent and Lent. The group studies a variety of materials with a focus on the biblical text. This small group tackles tough questions and dives into scripture looking for the answers. Come on in, the coffee’s on!
Confirmation: 7th and 8th Grade
The affirmation of baptism is a central part of the confirmation program at St. James Lutheran Church. Young people in 7th and 8th grade meet every Wednesday during the school year. The first year of study is focused on the biblical narrative. Kids will encounter the great characters of the bible and learn about their stories, from Moses to King David to the disciples and Paul. The second year of study takes a deep dive into the central teachings of the Christian faith. Students will take a close look at their own faith journey as they grow toward an understanding of what it means to be a Christian.
iPraise is for kids from Kindergarten to Grade 6. Students gather in the fellowship hall at church on Wednesday after school until 5:00 PM. We open up God’s word to learn about the Bible and its message for each of us. Contact Ann in the church office for more information about enrolling.
Vacation Bible School
Save the date! St. James hosts Vacation Bible School (VBS) every summer in July. Check out the church calendar for specific dates. Our VBS program is led by college-aged young adults on staff at Outlaw Ranch Bible Camp. These camp counselors will engage the kids with fun music, action-packed games, crafts, and bible stories. Kids will love this fun and meaningful week of learning about the love of Jesus. Contact Ann in the church office for more information or to register your child.
Lutherans Outdoors--Summer Camping Opportunities!
South Dakota camping at its finest! St. James knows that Christian camping experiences help to nurture and strengthen the Christian faith of our young people. The church has designated funds to provide scholarships for young people from our congregation who would like to attend summer camp. Find more information about camping experiences at Lutherans Outdoors.