Women of the ELCA---
Coffee and conversation, purposeful projects, meaningful contribution, close friendships and joy-filled time together --- this is WELCA!
The women of St. James Lutheran Church meet regularly together and have a fun time while making a substantial contribution to vital projects that support our local, regional and even global neighbors!
There are so many ways to become involved in WELCA, but here are just a few:
join one of the women's "circles"--the Deborah Circle or the Esther Circle
help with the local Community Food Pantry monthly
support fundraising, collect items and contribute financially to the Lutheran Social Services
extend Thrivent dollars to raise funds which support mission work, parish nurses, youth events, Special Olympics
prepare and serve free meals to the local community in need, every month (at Dinner Belle) and annually at the Thanksgiving Dinner
provide meals for funerals
pray regularly for those experiencing illness, grief or other needs
send cards and create “cheer baskets” for people who need to know that they are loved
contribute financially to a wide variety of local organizations including Lutheran Social Services, Lutheran Outdoors and others.