St. James Lutheran Church
St. James Lutheran Church has a long history of community outreach and service in Belle Fourche. Our congregation celebrated its 100th Anniversary in 2017. This rich history anchors St. James as a vital part of the community of faith in the northern Black Hills. St. James held its first services in the Ingersoll School, spoken in the German language! The church then moved to a small white church with a steeple at the corner of Lawrence and Ninth Street. When we outgrew this church, a new building was constructed at 1100 Stanley Street with an addition and remodel in the 1990's.
The ongoing renewal of the worship space at St. James has continued in 2018-19 with the remodel of the altar area, including installation of a new altar, pulpit, lectern, baptismal font, and sound system.
You can learn more about the unique history of St. James Lutheran Church, HERE.
Read about opening the St. James Time Capsule which had long been hidden behind bricks and mortar at the cornerstone of the church.
St. James Lutheran Church is a part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. ELCA congregations are centers for evangelical mission, where people of faith celebrate, learn and connect with one another and others around the world through service and weekly worship. We are a church that belongs to Christ.
We are a church whose unity is in Jesus Christ, who gathers us around word and water, wine and bread.
St. James worships with a deeply rooted traditional service. Our pattern of worship—gathering, word, meal, sending—allows us to remain focused on the principal service of Christian worship, the saving Word of God, and the sacraments.
The Lord’s Supper is celebrated at services whenever an authorized or ordained minister is present. At the table of communion, Jesus Christ comes with forgiveness, life, and salvation. God sends us out to share the good news and to care for those in need.
Children are always welcome in our worship services. Cloth bags filled with activities to keep kids busy during the services are available at the back of the church.
Join us for coffee and treats after the Sunday service in the fellowship hall. This is a favorite time and place to get to know one another and to build meaningful relationships in community together.